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  • 美食
  • 戈登.拉姆齊 Gordon Ramsay
  • 共20集  |  每集 23分鐘
  • 戈登·拉姆齊已在專業(yè)后廚工作超過25年,他師從許多世… 戈登·拉姆齊已在專業(yè)后廚工作超過25年,他師從許多世界名廚,也教出了不少得意門生?,F(xiàn)在終于出了這套《終極烹飪教程》,教大家輕松烹飪美食。本系列第一季共20集,每集都介紹不同的烹飪方法,各有不同,但都必不可少。從香料使用到烘焙竅門,從烤制美食到文火慢燉,從簡易快餐到饕餮盛宴,他毫不藏私,傾囊相授。更有眾多省時省力省錢的秘訣與小貼士。終極烹飪教程,你值得擁有。The show's concept is to demonstrate skills to the viewer to improve their skills as home cooks.The meals demonstrated by chef Gordon R amsay are meant to represent a hundred core recipes. The first series of 20 episodes airs at 5 pm on Channel 4 in the UK. Along with Hugh's 3 Good Things, and Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals, Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course was one of three new daytime cookery shows announced by the channel.An interview with a relevant food expert is an element of each show. For the chilli-centric episode, Joanna Plumb from Cherwood Nurseries in Chawston appeared to explain about chillis.[5] Ramsay has released a cookbook to coincide with the series, published by Hodder & Stoughton in the UK.




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