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  • 85分鐘
  • 有時候就算是最出人意料、最荒唐的故事也無法超越現實… 有時候就算是最出人意料、最荒唐的故事也無法超越現實。克里斯汀?蘇德佰?杰普森這一部悲喜交加又溫暖人心的紀錄片就比小說還要離奇,他講述了一個三兄弟從祖父那里繼承遺產的故事。這筆遺產是一份天賜的禮物。亨里克獨自住在一家日曬沙龍附近,他的大哥正苦于戒毒,他的弟弟是一個全優生,而他們的父親總是很清楚什么是最棒的。在他們三人能開始悠長假期之前,還有兩個障礙不得不掃除:遺愿,和一個想把所有財產占為己有的阿姨。不為人知的秘密正慢慢浮出水面,關鍵在于三兄弟能否團結起來共同應對那些不可避免的對質。每當有人想要翻過一頁這根本無法預測的家族傳奇,完全意想不到的怪事就會突然出現。這個三兄弟和百萬財產的故事比最精彩的電影還富有奇異的反轉情節,好萊塢正打算翻拍這部電影。毫無疑問,如果這不是根據真人真事拍攝的,沒有人會相信這個故事。這片子大概是今年最有趣的一部了。同時,它證明了血濃于水的道理,也像向觀眾說明了金錢并不能買到真正的幸福。Sometimes reality surpasses even the most incredible cock-and-bull stories. And Christian S?nderby Jepsen's tragicomic and warm film about three brothers who inherit a fortune from their grandfather is certainly stranger than fiction. The inheritance is a godsend. Henrik is separated and lives above a tanning salon. His older brother is struggling to replace heroin with homegrown weed. The younger brother scores straight A's in school. And then there is the father, who always knows what's best. Now there are just two obstacles that have to be overcome before the three of them can embark on a permanent vacation: the will, and an aunt who wants all the money for herself. The skeletons are rattling in the closet, and the question is if the brothers can stick together and tackle the necessary confrontations. Each time one turns a page in this wildly unpredictable family saga, totally unexpected and strange details pop up. The story about the three brothers and the millions has more bizarre twists than even the most cunning fiction film, and is simply asking to be remade in Hollywood. Which it no doubt could be, if it was not for the fact that nobody would believe in the story. It is probably the funniest film of the year, but it is also a story which proves that blood is thicker than water, and that true happiness can not be bought with money.2011丹麥哥本哈根國際紀錄片電影節丹麥獎 / Danish:DOX Award, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, 2011.


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